In keeping with the National Programme “Young Scientists and Post-doctoral Fellows – phase 2“ (more at and the updated National Strategy for the Development of Scientific Research in the Republic of Bulgaria 2017-2030 (more at the Faculty of Philosophy at Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski announces a competition for selecting young scientists and post-doctoral students for participation in current scientific research projects (Appendix 1 below) implemented by the faculty, for the following positions:
The eligible competition applicants (Bulgarian citizens and EU citizens working in the country) have to meet the criteria of the National Programme “Young Scientists and Post-doctoral Fellows”, as follows:
The eligibility grounds for both categories of applicants must be valid not only at the time of application, but throughout the entire period of their participation after signing a contract under the programme.
Applicants have to send Mrs. Irena Cheresharova electronic versions of the following documents by email ( no later than 17.00, 29 July, 2024:
List of :
(The information should be filled in the SAMPLE document attached to the current Call for Research Proposals in a separate sheet for each list)
Criteria for evaluation of research potential
1 Defended first PhD thesis – 10 points
2 Defended first Master’s dissertation – 5 points
3 Publications on the topic of the PhD dissertation or Master’s thesis over the past five years – 5 points per publication
4 Publications on topics other than the topic of the PhD dissertation/Master’s thesis over the past five years – 3 points per publication
5 Participation in research projects funded by EU operational programmes or other national and international scientific institutions over the past five years – 3 points per project
6 Participation in research projects of the Faculty of Philosophy, funded by the Scientific Research Fund at Sofia University over the past five years – 3 points per project
7 Specialisations abroad over the past five years (excluding Erasmus+ mobility) – 5 points
8 Participation in scientific conferences with a paper/poster over the past five years – 3 points
The results of the specified criteria form 10% of the assessment of the applicants’ scientific potential.
Criteria for evaluation of a proposal for participation in an ongoing project of the Faculty of Philosophy at Sofia University from the announced list of projects
1 Awareness of the scientific research on the topic of the project and relevance of the proposed research – from 0 to 6 p.
2 Motivation – from 0 to 4 p.
2.1 Knowledge and skills – from 0 to 2 p.
2.2 Abilities to write a scientific text – from 0 to 2 p.
3 Scientific effect (impact) – from 0 to 6 p.
3.1 New knowledge – from 0 to 2 p.
3.2 Expected results and scientific contributions – from 0 to 2 p.
3.3 Applicability of results – from 0 to 2 p.
4 Contribution to the applicant’s scientific development – from 0 to 4 p.
TOTAL – from 0 to 20 p.
The result of the expert evaluation of the proposal for participation in the project applied for forms 90% of the evaluation of the scientific potential of the applicants.
Applicants will receive a personal e-mail message about the results of the scientific potential evaluation on 2 August, 2024 after 2 p.m.. The applicants who meet the requirements and have received at least 15 points for their proposal for participation in the project applied for will be admitted to an interview. The interview with the admitted applicants will be held in the period of 6 to 8 August, 2024 in person or online through the MS Teams platform. The final results of the competition will be announced by 30 August, 2024. A fixed-term employment contract for a period of no less than 6 months with a start date of 05 September, 2024 will be signed with the approved applicants.
For additional information, you can review the “Faculty of Philosophy „Mechanism of and rules for selecting young scientists and post-doctoral fellows” or write to Irena Cheresharova, inspector “Educational activity”,