The Department of History and Theory of Culture was founded in 1990. Its teaching faculty includes prominent Bulgarian scholars with impressive academic achievements, authoritative public presence and personal contribution to the organization and management of cultural life.
The Department offers instruction in Cultural Studies at the BA, MA, and PhD level, with courses in the following fields: Cultural Anthropology, Management of the Cultural Heritage, Cultural History, Fine Arts and Art management, Media Studies. The Department welcomed its first students in the academic year 1991/1992 and since then, it has established itself as a leading institution in the teaching and research in the field of Cultural Studies in Bulgaria. Different research projects of the faculty members have been supported by reputable domestic and international foundations, the EU Framework Programmes, the National Research Fund, and other donors.
The Department prides itself with a truly interdisciplinary focus. It has become a space for original research, freely and creatively merging the fields of History, Anthropology, Theory of Religion, Philosophy of Culture, Cultural Policies, Urban Studies, Popular Culture, Digital Cultures, Cultural History of Medicine, etc. The students are encouraged to actively participate in the planning of their curriculum, to join the research projects within the Department, and to participate in international programmes for educational mobility.
cultural and social history; oral history; death studies, culture of care, age and culture, contemporary religious practices
Since 2021: History of Bulgarian Culture in the Modern and Contemporary Times, mandatory, BA Cultural Studies
Since 2021: Biographical and Cultural Experience of Care, elective, BA Cultural Studies
Since 2020: Inclusive Education, elective, BA Cultural Studies, BA Sociology
Since 2021: Traditional and Alternative Forms of Religious Life, mandatory, MA programme „Cultural Anthropology“
Since 2018: Intimacy and Subjectivity under Socialism, elective, BA Cultural Studies
Since 2010: Youth Cultures, mandatory, BA Cultural Studies
Since 2011: Youth Subcultures in the XX Century Arts, MA programme „Arts and Contemporary culture (20th–21st c.) “, MA programme „Interpretative Anthropology“
Theory of religion, History of Renaissance and Baroque, Political philosophy, Philosophy of Religion
“Theory of Religion”; “Renaissance and Baroque”; “Politics and Religion”; “Religious Diversity”, “Mysticism and Mystical Experience”, “The Divine in Contemporary Art”, “Philosophy of Relgion”
Anthropology of socialism and post-socialism; oral history; memory studies: biographical and cultural memory; social history, gender and women’s history; social constructivism
Since 2003 Key Concepts in Cultural Studies, BA, mandatory
Since 2004 Oral History, Life-Story Methods, MA program Cultural Anthropology, and European Master in Gender and Women’s History MATILDA
Since 2009 History and Theory of Culture, mandatory, BA programme «EU and European Integration»
Since 2013 Multi-, Inter- and Transculturality in Contemporary Europe, elective, MA programme «Cultural Diplomacy»
Since 2017 Cultural Memory and Memory Cultures, BA, elective
Cultural Studies / Management of Culture, Cultural Policies, Cultural Heritage, Cultural Rights, Regional Cultures and Policies, Legal and Institutional Infrastructure of Culture, Intellectual Property and Access to Culture, Culture and Regional Development, Crafts and Design, Graffiti and Policies for Urban Development, Professional Development in the Field of Cultural Heritage, Strategic Management of Culture.
Management of Culture, Institutional Infrastructure of Culture, Legal and Institutional Infrastructure of Cultural Heritage, Production and Approbation of Thematic Cultural Routes, Integrated Management of Creative Development, Legal Infrastructure of Culture, Contractual relations in the field of culture, European cultural policies, Intellectual property in the field of culture, Cultural competence.
Middle Ages;
Bulgaria, Byzantium, ‘Steppe Empire’, Europe, and Caucasian peoples;
Culture, power, identities, mentalities, medieval apocalyptic texts;
“Sainthood and Military (Martial) Ethos in Christian Bulgaria” , “Тheory and History of Culture“, “History of the Caucasian Peoples”, “Between the East and the West: Bulgarian Culture, 7th–14th Century”, “Bulgarian Medieval Culture, 7th–14th Century”, “Bulgarian Medieval Culture in Eurasian Context”, “Movable and Unmovable Monuments of Culture.”, “Steppe Eurasia, 6th – 9th Centuries: Power and Identities”, “Empires and Identities”, “Byzantium Outside Byzantium, or about the “uses” of Byzantine Culture in Bulgaria, 7th–11th Centuries”
History of medieval and early modern political thought, early media history, history of censorship, media ethics, research and communication culture
Medieval history and culture, media history, academic writing
Social Movement Studies
Popular Culture
Cultural Theory
Social Movements
Popular Culture and Cultural Industries
Waste/Discard Studies; Material Culture; Urban Anthropology, Economic Ethnography; Post-socialist Transformations
Contemporary Cultural Practices Anthropology; Waste as a materiality and as a Resource. Anthroplogical Perspectives
Late Antiquity, Byzantium and the Crusades; mental structures of the political and religious culture of medieval Europe; rituals and identity construction; representations of power and practices of rhetorical, topographical and visual constructions; relics and transfer of symbolic resources; ceremonies, memory and symbolism of the urban landscape; historical anthropology and microhistory; medievalism and its uses in various aspects of modern and contemporary culture
Since 2005 «Political Phenomena of Medieval Europe», mandatory, BA course, Dept. of Theory and History of Culture; assistant lecturer
Since 2005 «Mental Structures of Medieval Europe», mandatory, BA course, Dept. of Theory and History of Culture; assistant lecturer
Since 2011 «Imperial Centers and Culture in Medieval Europe», elective, BA course, Dept. of Theory and History of Culture;
Since 2011 «Power and Ceremony in the Culture of Medieval Europe», elective, BA course, Dept. of Theory and History of Culture;
Since 2016 «Sacred theft (furta sacra) and its uses: relics, memory and power in the Byzantine palace ceremony», elective, BA course, Dept. of Theory and History of Culture;
Cultural Studies, Critical Heritage Studies, Uses of the Past, Romani Studies
Introduction to Cultural Studies
Digital Cultures
History of Cultural Institutions in Bulgaria
Tradition and Modernization – Bulgarian Culture XVIII–XIX c.
Heritage, Communities, Mobilizations
The Heritage of Antiquity in the Bulgarian lands
Cultural Heritage in Southeastern Europe: Critical Perspectives
History and theory of modern culture; history and theory of religion; aesthetics and theory of art; history and theory of modern art
Since 2022 History of the European Enlightenment and the French Revolution, mandatory, BP Culturology
Since 2018 European culture of the XIX century and the beginning of the XX century (seminars), mandatory, BP Culturology
From 2018 to 2021 History of the European Enlightenment and the French Revolution (seminars), mandatory, BP Culturology
Since 2019 History and Theory of Modern Art, elective, BP Culturology
Since 2018 Aesthetics and Art, elective, BP Culturology
Since 2018 The scientist and science in the literature of modernity, elective, BP Culturology
Cultural anthropology, cultural heritage, professional development in the field of cultural heritage, Bulgarian ethnography
Cultural competence, European policies for culture, Management of culture, Validation of skills and knowledge in the field of cultural heritage
Funding programs for culture, Policies for Culture, Arts Management, Informing cultural policies, Educational practice,Institutional infrastructure of culture, Cultural Management
Policies for Culture
Audience development
Funding programs for culture
Informing cultural policies
Educational practice
Institutional infrastructure of culture
Cultural Management
Arts Management
Historical anthropology of Bulgaria
Introduction to anthropology
Anthropology of contemporary cultural practices
2022–Present: Assistant professor, Department of History and Theory of Culture, Sofia
University St. Kliment Ohridski
2022–2023: Postdoctoral fellow, Centre for Advanced Studies – Sofia
2019–2020: Researcher, Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski, Faculty of Philosophy
2019–2020: Visiting fellow, University of Graz, Centre for Southeast European Studies
2016: Visiting fellow, Kadir Has University, Department of New Media
2014–2015: Visiting fellow, Istanbul Bilgi University, Cultural Policy and Management Research
Ancient Greek and Roman culture. Ancient religion and mythology. Greek and Latin mythography.
Ancient Greek Culture; Roman Civilization; Ancient heritage in Bulgaria; Latin; Imaginary Antiquity; Ancient mythology and religion; History of the translation;
Semiotics of culture; visual semiotics; language in the system of culture; theories of translation; poststructuralism; deconstruction
Semiotics of culture; language practices and culture, visual semiotics; general semiotics: main trends and directions
Theory of Religions; New Religious Movements; Cultural History of the Renaissance; Popular Culture Studies
Theory of Religions, Renaissance and Baroque